




Last Reviewed & Updated

October, 2021

By MCBVI Bylaws Committee

Chairperson, Casey Dutmer

Past Chair, Wayne Lepiors


Adopted October, 1973

Amended October, 1984

Amended October, 1993

Amended October, 2001

Amended October, 2002

Amended October, 2003

Amended October 3, 2004

Amended November 4, 2007

Amended September 28, 2008

Amended September 16, 2012

Amended September 28, 2014

Amended September 27, 2015

Amended October 8, 2016

Last Amended October 15, 2021



The Michigan Association of Workers of the Blind, a Michigan

non-profit corporation, originally incorporated in 1916, and the

Michigan Federation of the Blind. A Michigan non-profit

corporation, originally incorporated in 1957, because of their

common interests, are uniting to form a new corporation to be

called, Michigan Association of the Blind, Inc., a Michigan non-

profit corporation.


Since we believe that persons who, through the loss of sight,

are brought together by a close bond of unity and brotherhood in

desiring to become incorporated as a non-profit corporation

pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 284 of the Public Act of

1972, we do hereby make, execute, and adopt this as




A. Name


The name of this corporation is, Michigan Council Of The Blind and Visually Impaired, Inc.


B. Purpose


The purpose of the Michigan Council Of The Blind and Visually Impaired, Inc. is to encourage and promote the economic,

educational, social and cultural levels, of persons with (visual

acuities 20/70 or less).


C. Non-Profit Status


1. This corporation will, at all times, operate so as to

maintain tax exempt status within the requirements of the Internal Revenue Service Code as herein provided.


2. No part of the activities of this corporation shall

consist of carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to

influence legislation or participating in, or intervening in

(including publication or distribution of statements) any political

campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Not

withstanding any of the provisions hereof, this corporation shall

not conduct or carry on any activity not permitted to be conducted

or carried on by any organization which is tax exempt, or by any

organization, donations to which are tax deductible income, to the

extent of the law as provided by the provisions of the Internal

Revenue Code and other applicable legislation and regulations as

they now exist or may hereafter be amended.


3. Not withstanding anything else herein to the contrary, provided the corporation is hereby prohibited from engaging in any act of self-dealing, as defined in Internal Revenue Code, Section

no. 4942 (D) and all amendments thereto, from retaining any access

business holdings, as defined in Internal Revenue Code, Section No. 4943(C) and all amendments thereto, so as to jeopardize the carrying

out of the charitable purposes contemplated herein, and from making

any taxable expenditures, as defined in Internal Revenue Code, Section No. 4945(D) and all amendments thereto.


4. The corporation shall not apply accumulation of income in

any manner which may subject it to denial of exemption as provided

in Section No. 504 of the United States Internal Revenue Code as now enacted or as it may, hereafter be amended.


5. If, at any time, the corporation shall cease to carry out

the purposes set forth in these articles of incorporation, all assets and property held by it, shall, after the payment of its

liabilities, be paid over to an organization which, itself, has

similar purposes and has established an appropriate tax exempt

status under Section no. 501 (C) (3) of the United States Internal

Revenue Code as now enacted or as it may, hereafter, be amended and

has established an appropriate tax exempt status under Section No. 501 (c) (3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code as now

enacted or as it may, hereafter, be amended.


6. Notwithstanding, anything else herein to the contrary provided, the income of the trust for each taxable year thereafter shall be distributed at such time and in such manner as not to subject the same to tax under the Internal Revenue Code, Section No. 4942, and all amendments thereto.




The principal office or place of business of this council

shall be the resident city of the treasurer.




A. Executive Committee


The executive committee of this council consisting of seven (7) elected officers and of the immediate past president shall transact

all business of this council arising between meetings of the Board

of Directors.

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