
B. Board Of Directors


1.The Board of Directors shall consist of: President, Immediate Past President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and one chapter delegate as well as an alternate to serve in the Chapter Delegate’s absence. Officers cannot serve as chapter delegates or as alternate delegates.


2. The board of directors shall have power to act for this

council in all administrative matters requiring action when this

council is not in session, except as otherwise provided in the

By-laws or in the articles of incorporation, and in such other

matters as may be committed to it by order of the council.



C. In the event of the death, resignation, suspension or disability of any officer of the council, the President shall appoint a qualified replacement, approved by a simple majority of the Board of Directors, to fill such vacancy for the unexpired portion of such official term, or until that disability may be removed. In the event of the death, resignation, suspension or disability of any Chapter Delegate, the Chapter who he/she represents will be responsible for appointing a qualified representative to fill such vacancy for the unexpired portion of such official term, or until that disability may be removed.



D. General Duties


1. President

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and of the membership; see that all orders and

resolutions of the Board of Directors are carried into effect; appoint committees not provided for in these By-laws; and be an ex-officio member of all committees with the exception of the

Nominations Committee.


2. First Vice-President

The First Vice-President shall attend all board meetings and membership business meetings; perform the duties of the president during the absence or disability of the president and succeed to that office upon the resignation, impeachment or death of the President; and perform such other duties that may be delegated to him or her from time to time by the Board of Directors.


3. Second Vice-President

The Second Vice-President shall attend all board meetings and membership business meetings; Perform duties of the First

Vice-President during the absence or disability of the First Vice-President and succeed to that office upon the resignation, impeachment or death of the First Vice- President; and perform such other duties that may be delegated to him or her from time to time by the Board of Directors.


4. Secretary

The secretary shall attend all board meetings and membership

business meetings; preserve all records belonging to the council

minutes of the proceedings of all such meetings; give all notices required by statutes, bylaws or resolutions and be responsible for all other correspondence relative to the council; keep files of all

such statutes and forward all records to the incoming secretary at

the expiration of his or her term of office; and perform such other

duties that may be delegated to him or her from time to time by the

Board of Directors.


5. Assistant Secretary

The Assistant Secretary shall be familiar with all the records and duties of the Secretary as prescribed under Article III

Officers and Committees Subsection D General duties, and Subsection 4 Secretary. The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary in the performance of all the duties of the Secretary and be able when necessary to carry them out in the Secretary’s absence. The Assistant Secretary must attend all the meetings requiring the Secretary’s presence. The Assistant Secretary shall have a vote at all meetings. In addition to performing the duties of the Secretary during the absence or disability of the Secretary, he or she shall automatically succeed to that office upon the resignation, impeachment or death of the Secretary. The Assistant Secretary shall also perform such other duties that may be delegated to him or her from time to time by the Secretary and Board of Directors.

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