A. Amendments
1. These Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of those present and voting, provided that such proposed amendments shall be read from the floor of the convention at least 24 hours prior to the time of
final act on the same.
2. Henceforth, these Bylaws shall be reviewed at least
once every five years by a committee appointed by the Board of Directors.
3. No amendments shall be made to this that are
inconsistent with its Articles of Incorporation.
B. Audit of Claims
The board of directors shall audit and allow all just claims against this council, including the expenses necessarily incurred
by any officer or committee of this council in the discharge of the
duties of such officer or committee and shall direct the payment of
such claims by the treasurer.
C. Dissolution
In the event of dissolution, all assets, real and personal, shall be distributed to such organizations as are qualified as tax exempt under the Internal Revenue Service Code or the corresponding provision of a future Internal Revenue Service Law.