American Council of the Blind (ACB):
MCBVI is an affiliate of ACB, one of the largest national organizations of the blind and visually impaired, with members around the world.
ACB Media Network:
Offers 10 live streams where listeners can stream their favorite program or music selection. Listeners can also access the digital media library where they can locate their favorite podcasts.
Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (ABVI):
A nonprofit agency based in Grand Rapids, serving 13 counties in West Michigan. ABVI offers products, training, support, and other resources for those who are blind or visually impaired.
Basic iPhone tutorials from Blind Abilities:
This website offers various tutorials for iPhone users.
Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (BSBP):
Formerly the Michigan Commission for the Blind, the BSBP is the state rehabilitation agency for those with sight loss. The BSBP offers training and resources for those needing daily living skills, or assistance to return to work for those who are blind or visually impaired.
Computers for the Blind:
This company sells refurbished computers with the software needed to operate the computer for eligible blind or visually impaired persons.
Detroit Radio Information Service (DRIS):
From Wayne State University, DRIS offers a variety of programming for the blind, including newspapers, magazines, books, and other special programs. Resources: connects families of children with visual impairments to knowledge, resources, message boards where they can talk to other parents, compelling videos featuring real-life families, parenting articles, parent-authored blogs, and links to local resources.
Financial Assistance for the Visually Impaired:
Financial Assistance for the Visually Impaired
This website offers information to financial resources for the blind and visually impaired.
Greater Detroit Agency for the Blind and Visually Impaired (GDABVI):
The GDABVI is a nonprofit agency that provides training and resources in the greater Detroit area for those who are blind or visually impaired.
I Can Connect:
Free computers and other devices for eligible blind/visually impaired and hearing impaired or deaf/blind persons.
Opportunities Unlimited for the Blind (OUB):
OUB is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that offers a variety of activities for blind and visually impaired children and young adults, including various camping programs at Camp Tuhsmeheta, as well as other special experiences for youth across the state.
Resources for Adults New to Vision Loss:
This website offers resources for adults new to vision loss.
ScripTalk Locations:
ScripTalk Participating Pharmacies
A pleasant natural sounding voice speaks all the information printed on the label.
Sleep Tips for People Who are Visually Impaired:
Sleep Tips for People Who are Visually Impaired
This resource offers sleep tips, as well as information about various sleep disorders.
The Sight Seer Radio Reading Service:
The Sight Seer, based in Grand Rapids, offers 24-hour service with a variety of programming for the blind, including the reading of newspapers, magazines, books, and other special programs.
WKAR Radio Reading Service:
From Michigan State University, in Lansing, the WKAR radio reading service also offers a variety of programming for the blind, including newspapers, magazines, books, and other special programs.